
My life in pink and the lessons I learned

When I was a baby and toddler, my mother dressed me predominantly in pink. My flower girl dress was pink. Any photos depicting special events usually had me in pink. So when I grew old enough to pick out my own clothes, I rebelled and refused to wear pink. My mom reluctantly stopped buying me pink and I had a pink break.

But pink honestly has always been one of my favourite colours. It is the colour of my favourite flower – peonies and I love all of the different hues. The soft pink that is almost white to the deep dark pink which is so loud and attention seeking.

At Diwali, we always decorate the house with Bright Fushsia Pink and Orange. And right now, with the resurgence of Barbie, that bright pink has become ubiquitous. I have fully embraced “Barbie Pink” and have no issue wearing it, loudly and boldly. I accidentally bought a dress on line months ago that was Barbie Pink, which at the time, I thought was a bit much. But it has become a staple piece of mine this Spring and I am glad that I kept it.

Pink is a colour that looks great on my skin tone and always makes me feel pretty. I understand now why my mom dressed me in pink a lot. Because she designed and sewed clothes, she had a great eye for colour and what worked on people. She knew.

But I also understand that sometimes, we have to come to our own realizations and not have them imposed on us. That has definitely been a character trait of mine. It might take me a little longer, and I might end up where I started, but I need to go through the journey to get there. The journey teaches us a lot about who we are.

But that’s just one Diva’s view.

#pink #Barbiepink

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